viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012

7.The Neolithic and Stonenhge



Answer these questions about Neolithic time :
1. Where´s the name of the region between the Tigris and the Nile?
2. When did  the Neolithic period begin?
3.Why did the people adopt a sedentary lifestyle?
4.Why did the population grow?
5. What is the specialisation of labour?
6. What began the Neolithic period?
7. What were some new tools created during this time period

Main ideas
. Agriculture: people learnt to plant 
. Livestock farming
. Fertile Crescent:
. The tools were made of polished stone:
. Producer economy:
. Pottery :
. Sedentary life:
. Settlement:
. Population grew:
. Social inequality:

linen: lino, 
wool: lana
wheat: trigo
barley: cebada
goat: cabra
cattle: ganado
oxes: bueyes
sheep: oveja.
hoe: azada
sickle: hoz
to reap: cosechar, arar
hand mill: molino manual
to grind: moler
grain: grano
hut: choza
reed: junco
branch: ramas
clay: barro, tierra.
weaver. tejedor