jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016

Rúbrica de actitud.

Al empezar la clase espera sentado en su sitio en silencio que empiece la clase con normalidad. Muy participativo/a en la asignatura, interviene cuando le corresponde, respeta el turno de palabra. Atiende en silencio a las explicaciones  del profesorado e intervenciones de los compañeros/as. Trae siempre la tarea de casa y trabaja en clase. Es respetuoso/a en sus trato con los demás. Colabora con los otros compañeros en la realización de las tareas. 10 puntos.
Al llegar la profesora a clase espera en silencio que empiece la clase. Se interesa por la asignatura e interviene cuando le corresponde. Atiende en silencio a las explicaciones del profesor e intervenciones de los compañeros. Suele traer la tarea de casa y trabaja en clase. Es respetuoso/a en sus trato. 8 puntos.
Aunque manifiesta interés y participa habla demasiado lo que entorpece 
el desarrollo de la clase y dificulta su desarrollo. A veces no trae la tarea de casa. No trabaja lo que debería en clase. 6 puntos.
Habla constantemente lo que le impide atender a las explicaciones. 4 puntos.
Pasivo/a, no trabaja, charla muchísimo, no trae la tarea de casa . 2 puntos.
Falta el respeto al profesorado y a los compañeros/as. 0 puntos.

viernes, 7 de octubre de 2016

Corrección de cuadernos


1. ORGANIZACIÓN (máximo de 15 puntos)

5 puntos 4 puntos 2 punto 0 puntos

  1. Separa los temas

Sí, siempre

Casi siempre

La mitad de temas más o menos

Menos de la mitad de las veces

  1. Indica la fecha

Sí, siempre

Casi siempre

La mitad de días más o menos

Menos de la mitad de las veces

  1. Indica la página

Sí, siempre

Casi siempre

La mitad de las páginas más o menos

Menos de la mitad de las veces

2. CONTENIDO (1ª parte) (máximo de 25 puntos)

25 puntos 16 puntos 10 puntos 0 puntos

Ejercicios realizados


Casi todos

La mitad más o menos

Menos de la mitad

3. CONTENIDO (2ª parte) (máximo de 30 puntos)

10 puntos 7 puntos 4 puntos 0 puntos


Copiados enteros siempre

Copiados enteros casi siempre

Copiados enteros la mitad de los ejercicios más o menos

Copiados enteros menos de la mitad de los ejercicios

b) Apuntes de clase


Casi todos

La mitad más o menos

Menos de la mitad

c) Correcciones

Hay bastantes correcciones

Hay algunas correcciones

Hay pocas correcciones

Hay muy pocas o ninguna corrección

4. LIMPIEZA (máximo de 30 puntos)

10 puntos 7 puntos 4 punto 0 puntos

a) Aspecto general del cuaderno

El cuaderno está muy cuidado y muy limpio

El cuaderno está cuidado y limpio

El cuaderno tiene hojas y/o la portada arrugadas y/o sucias

El cuaderno tiene hojas y/o la portada rotas y/o muy sucios

  1. Letra

Excelente letra

La letra se lee sin problemas

La letra se puede leer pero es poco clara

La letra se lee con dificultad o es ilegible

  1. Distinción de ejercicios

Los ejercicios se distinguen perfectamente unos de otros

No hay problema en distinguir unos ejercicios de otros

Los ejercicios se distinguen unos de otros con dificultad

No se distinguen unos ejercicios de otros

martes, 24 de mayo de 2016

30. Greek art


Greek life was dominated by religion and so it is not surprising that the temples of Ancient Greece were the most important building.
The Greek believed in gods who lived on Mount Olympus and represented the different forces or nature and different human activities and passions. Gods decided everything in the Greek lives.
The temple was the house of the gods, and priest and priestesses had to serve them. And  worshippers had to give them humane gitfs, such as food, worthy objects, housing, and so on.
The image of god, placed at back of the naos and looking towards the outside,witnessed the sacrifical ceremonies and processions that took place outside the temple.
The temples were made of  white marble and stone.
Greek temples were not very big. To support the roofs, columns were used. Temples were rectangular.
 In Ancient Greece three types of columns can be found; Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. All three types of columns have three separate parts to their structure (base, shaft, and capital) with the exception of Doric which has no base. The base is all one piece as well as the capital. The base is at the bottom of the column, is on the floor. On the other hand, the capital is on the top of the column. And the shaft is between the base and the capital.

The Doric order is the oldest and the most simple. The column stands directly on the ground and the capital is very simple.

The Ionic order has more graceful column supported on a base. The capital is more complex and is decorated with carved scrolls, leaves and darts.

The Corinthian order is the last order to appear and it is basically an evolution of Ionic order . The capital is decorated with acanthus leaves and the scroll are smaller and more stylised.

On the roof of  the temple there were the fronton, the cornice, the frieze and the architrave, as you can see in the picture.
On the top of the temple there was the fronton which is a triangular area, decorated with reliefs. Below the fronton there was the cornice, the frieze and the arquitrave.
 The most important part of the temple was the naos o cella, where the statue of god was kept. The cella was behind the pronaos.
Some temples had another room behind the naos called the opisthodomos.

1. Decide True o False:
a. Greek people were very religious.
b. Worshippers had to give them  gifts, such as human sacrifices.
c. The sacrificial ceremonies and processions that took place at the back of  the temple.
d. Greek temples were not very big.
e. The  fronton is a rectangular area which is decorated with reliefs.
f.. There are three types of columns: Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian.
g. The three types of columns have three separate parts to their structure:base, shaft, and capital.
h. The Doric order is the oldest.
j. The  corinthian capital is decorated with acanthus leaves and the scroll are bigger than Ionic columns.
i. The most important part of the temple was the naos o cella.

2. Now correct the mistakes of the exercise nº 1.

3. Complete the blanks.
In ancient Greece three types of columns can be found; ____________,____________,______________. The __________ is at the bottom of the column, is on the floor. On the other hand, the__________ is on the top of the column. And the__________ is between the base and the capital. The __________has more graceful column supported on a base. The capital is more complex and is decorated with_______________-, leaves and darts. On the roof of  the temple there were the ____________, the ________, the ___________ and the ____________. Some temples had another room behind the naos called the___________.

4. Find the correct word.
a. ____________: is between the base and the capital.
b._____________: had to serve God in the temples.
c._____________:was the most important part of the temple, where the statue of god was kept.
d.__________: were the most important building in Greece.
e. ____________:is the last order to appear and it is basically an evolution of Ionic order

5. Complete these pictures with the main parts of each order.

6. Write the main rooms of the temple :

Not very much Greek sculpture has survived for us to see. Some Greek sculpture is known from Roman copies which have survived. The sculpture was made of marble, limestone and bronze.
Greek sculptors were interested in showing the beauty and grace of the human body, especially the bodies of young, athletic men.The sculptors also became more interested in the three-dimensionality of sculpture: people being able to see it from all different sides, and not just from the front.
 The beauty was based on  ideas of scale and mathematical proportions in order to create the perfectly proportioned figure, referred to as "The Polykleitan Canon of Proportion".
Greek sculpture is divided into several periods, the most important are:
- Archaic period
- Classical period
-Hellenistic period

Archaic Greek Sculpture( from VIII  to early V  BC)
The Greeks learned how to make big stone statues from the Egyptians. Archaic statues of men are called "kouros"which means "boy" and the ones of girls are called "kore" which means "girl". The kores usually represented  priestess.
Greeks always made their statues nude as the kouros. This is because the Greeks thought that men's bodies were sacred and that the gods liked to see them. But their statues of women wore clothes. The sculptures appeared very rigid and unnatural. The figures were schematically.
Kouro                                                                                                        Kore

Classical Greek Sculpture
Greek sculptors began to experiment with honoring the gods by showing the beauty and grace of the human body, especially the bodies of young, athletic men (women's bodies were still not shown without their clothes). 
The sculptors also became more interested in the three-dimensionality of sculpture.  Greek sculptors focused their energies on naturalizing effects on the human figure. Greek sculptors made the human body very idealistic and very beauty.
"The Polykleitan Canon of Proportion". Canon means rule. Polykleitos wrote the first  Sculpture treatise where he establish his ideal beauty canon.. The body must be/ measure the head  seven times. We can see that in the Doryphoros, the best sculpture of him.
We can forget to mention other sculptures as Myron and Phidias who lived in the V BC. Myron carved the Discoboluss, where you can see a young athele who is going to throw a disk.
Dodiforos                                                                                   Discobolos

Phidias  was responsible for the sculptures on the Parthenon  and  he carved beautiful sculptures from  Athena, who was the goddess of intelligence. The Parthenon was the temple of  Athena.

Hellenistic Greek Sculpture ( From  III to 50 BC)

It was in a new style. There is more emotion, especially sad feelings like grief. There is more interest in women. And there is more movements in the sculptures.
Hellenistic sculptures also show an admiration of female beauty. This is shown in the statue of Aphrodite of Melos (ca. 160-150 BC). On the one hand, this sculpture expressed many of the characteristics of the  Hellenic style. However, the sensuality of the body is a clear example of the Hellenistic way of conveying emotions.

 Aphrodite was the Greek  goddess of love.

The Lacoon group shows the Trojan priest Laocoon and his sons Antiphantes and Thymbraeus being strangled by sea serpents. You can see the sorrow and pain on his face. 

1. True o false.
a. Greek sculptors were interested in showing the beauty and grace of the human body.
b. The sculpture was made of marble, limestone and bronze.
c. Greeks always made their statues nude as the kore.
d. The sculptures appear very rigid and unnatural in the archaid period.
e. The sculptors also became more interested in the three-dimensionality of sculpture in the archaid period.
f. Greek sculptors made the human body very idealistic and very beauty in the classical period.
g. Myron   was responsible for the sculptures on the Parthenon 
h. Athena was the goddess of love.
i. Hellenistic sculptures also show an admiration of female beauty.

2. Now correct the mistakes of the exercise nº 1.

3. Complete the blanks.
The beauty wa based on  ideas of _______ and ____________. Greek sculpture is divided into severals periods, the most important are:___________________,____________________,__________________. The Greeks learned how to make big stone statues from the ______________. Polykleitos wrote the first  Sculpture ______________. The Parthenon was the temple of  _______.
In hellenistic period,  there is more emotion, especially sad feelings like _________.
4. Find the correct word.
 a.______________: These sculptures usually represent  priestess.
b.___________: It means unnatural.
c.____________:It  means rule.
d.____________: It is the same as pain and grief.
e.__________She was the Greek  goddess of love.
5. Now complete with the period and the sculptors in each picture

